Posted by Admininstrator into English / CS 1.6 / Plugins, 07-02-2015, 21:26
HLDS VoiceTranscoder (briefly "VTC") is a plugin that allows Steam and Non-Steam players hear voices of each other.
It transcodes Speex to SILK codec and back.
Nowadays "Must Have" at any Counter Strike 1.6 server.
Viewed: 24485, Comments: 0
Posted by Admininstrator into English / CS 1.6 / Plugins, 07-02-2015, 20:50
DProto is a plugin for Metamod that allows protocol 47 and 48 no-steam clients to join the server.
Except this main function it fixes many security issues with GoldSrc server and contrary to HLDS it is updated often. Must Have at any CS 1.6 server.
Viewed: 15154, Comments: 0